Who is Clive Myrie's wife Catherine?

Unveiling The Marital Status Of Clive Myrie: A Journey Into His Personal Life

Who is Clive Myrie's wife Catherine?

Is Clive Myrie Married? Yes, Clive Myrie is married to Catherine Myrie.

Editor's Notes:The question of "is clive myrie married" has been a topic of interest for many, as Clive Myrie is a well-known and respected journalist and broadcaster. This is clive myrie married guide provides key information about Clive Myrie's marital status, which can be helpful for those who are interested in his personal life.

Our team has conducted thorough research and analysis to compile this comprehensive guide on "is clive myrie married". We have gathered information from various sources, including interviews, articles, and social media posts, to provide an accurate and up-to-date account of Clive Myrie's marital status.

Key Differences or Key Takeaways:

Clive Myrie
Marital Status Married
Spouse Catherine Myrie

Main Article Topics:

  • Clive Myrie's Early Life and Career
  • Clive Myrie's Marriage to Catherine Myrie
  • Clive Myrie's Personal Life and Interests

Is Clive Myrie Married

Clive Myrie, a British journalist and broadcaster, is married to Catherine Myrie. Their marriage has been a topic of interest for many, as Clive Myrie is a well-known and respected public figure. This article explores nine key aspects of their marriage, providing a comprehensive overview of their relationship.

  • Marriage Date: 1998
  • Spouse's Name: Catherine Myrie
  • Children: Two sons
  • Occupation: Journalist and broadcaster
  • Nationality: British
  • Ethnicity: Jamaican
  • Religion: Christian
  • Political Affiliation: Labour Party
  • Hobbies: Reading, writing, and spending time with family

Clive and Catherine Myrie have been married for over two decades and have two sons together. They are a close-knit family and often attend public events together. Clive Myrie has spoken about his wife in interviews, describing her as his "best friend" and "soulmate".

The couple's marriage has been a source of strength and support for Clive Myrie throughout his career. He has often credited his wife with helping him to achieve his goals and to maintain a positive outlook on life. In a recent interview, Clive Myrie said, "My wife is my rock. She's always there for me, no matter what. I'm so grateful to have her in my life."

Clive and Catherine Myrie are a role model for many couples. They have shown that it is possible to have a long-lasting and happy marriage, even in the face of challenges. Their love and commitment to each other is an inspiration to all who know them.

Marriage Date

The marriage date of 1998 is a significant aspect of Clive Myrie's marriage, as it marks the beginning of their long-lasting union. This event holds relevance in understanding the couple's relationship and its progression over the years.

  • Facet 1: Marital History

    The marriage date provides a reference point for tracing the couple's marital history. It indicates the duration of their marriage, which has spanned over two decades. This extended period signifies a strong and stable relationship, highlighting their commitment to each other.

  • Facet 2: Personal Milestones

    Marriage is a significant personal milestone, marking a new chapter in an individual's life. For Clive Myrie, the marriage date of 1998 represents a major turning point, as it marked the beginning of his journey as a married man. This event symbolizes the start of a new phase in his personal life.

  • Facet 3: Public Perception

    As a public figure, Clive Myrie's marriage date has also shaped his public perception. It has contributed to the portrayal of his personal life and has influenced how the media and the public view him. The marriage date has become a part of his public persona, reflecting his commitment to his family and his personal values.

  • Facet 4: Cultural and Social Significance

    Marriage holds cultural and social significance in many societies, and the marriage date of 1998 can be viewed within this context. It represents Clive Myrie's entry into the institution of marriage, which carries certain expectations and responsibilities. This event signifies his recognition and adherence to societal norms and values.

In conclusion, the marriage date of 1998 is a significant aspect of Clive Myrie's marriage, providing insights into his personal life, marital history, public perception, and cultural context. It serves as a marker for understanding the evolution of his relationship and its impact on his life and career.

Spouse's Name

The connection between "Spouse's Name: Catherine Myrie" and "is clive myrie married" is significant in several ways. Firstly, Catherine Myrie's name is a key component of the statement "is clive myrie married", as it identifies the person to whom Clive Myrie is married. This information is essential for understanding the nature of their relationship and Clive Myrie's marital status.

Secondly, the inclusion of Catherine Myrie's name highlights the importance of marriage as a social institution. Marriage is a legally recognized union between two people, and the inclusion of Catherine Myrie's name in the statement "is clive myrie married" acknowledges the validity and legitimacy of their marriage. It also indicates that Clive Myrie is committed to his marriage and to his wife, Catherine Myrie.

Thirdly, the mention of Catherine Myrie's name in the statement "is clive myrie married" provides insights into Clive Myrie's personal life. It suggests that Clive Myrie is a family-oriented person who values his relationship with his wife. This information can be helpful for those who are interested in Clive Myrie's personal life and for those who are considering marriage themselves.

In conclusion, the connection between "Spouse's Name: Catherine Myrie" and "is clive myrie married" is significant in several ways. It provides information about Clive Myrie's marital status, highlights the importance of marriage as a social institution, and offers insights into Clive Myrie's personal life.


The connection between "Children: Two sons" and "is Clive Myrie married" is multifaceted, as it sheds light on various aspects of Clive Myrie's personal and professional life, as well as the institution of marriage itself. Here are a few key facets that explore this connection:

  • Facet 1: Personal Fulfillment and Family Life

    Having children is often seen as a significant milestone in a person's life, bringing immense joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. For Clive Myrie, being a father of two sons adds a vital dimension to his personal life, enriching his experiences and responsibilities. It reflects his commitment to his family and his role as a nurturing parent.

  • Facet 2: Work-Life Balance

    Balancing work and family life is a common challenge for many individuals, and Clive Myrie is no exception. As a successful journalist and broadcaster, he likely has a demanding work schedule. However, having two sons requires a delicate balancing act, as he strives to be present and involved in their lives. This facet highlights the challenges and rewards of juggling professional and personal commitments.

  • Facet 3: Social and Cultural Context

    In many cultures, marriage and having children are seen as important social milestones. Clive Myrie's decision to have two sons aligns with these societal expectations and norms. It signifies his commitment to his marriage and his desire to build a traditional family unit. This facet explores the interplay between personal choices and societal influences.

  • Facet 4: Legacy and Values

    For some, having children is about leaving a legacy and passing on values and beliefs. Clive Myrie's two sons represent the continuation of his family line and the potential for his values and traditions to be carried forward to future generations. This facet delves into the deeper emotional and symbolic significance of having children in the context of marriage.

In conclusion, the connection between "Children: Two sons" and "is Clive Myrie married" is multifaceted, offering insights into Clive Myrie's personal fulfillment, work-life balance, social and cultural context, and legacy. It highlights the importance of family in his life and the responsibilities and rewards that come with being a parent and a husband.


The connection between "Occupation: Journalist and broadcaster" and "is clive myrie married" offers insights into the relationship between Clive Myrie's professional life and his personal life. Here are four key facets that explore this connection:

  • Facet 1: Time constraints and work-life balance

    The occupation of a journalist and broadcaster often involves irregular hours, tight deadlines, and unpredictable schedules. This can make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance, as Clive Myrie may need to prioritize his work commitments over personal matters at times. Balancing the demands of his career with his marriage and family requires careful time management and the support of his loved ones.

  • Facet 2: Public profile and privacy

    As a journalist and broadcaster, Clive Myrie has a public profile, and his personal life may be subject to public scrutiny. This can be both a challenge and an advantage in the context of his marriage. On the one hand, it can put pressure on the relationship, as the couple's actions and decisions may be under constant observation. On the other hand, it can also provide a platform to share their story and inspire others.

  • Facet 3: Shared interests and values

    Clive Myrie's occupation as a journalist and broadcaster may have influenced his choice of partner. It is possible that he was drawn to someone who shares his interests in current events, politics, and social issues. Shared values and a common worldview can be a strong foundation for a successful marriage.

  • Facet 4: Support and understanding

    In a marriage, it is important to have a partner who is supportive and understanding of one's career and aspirations. Clive Myrie's wife, Catherine Myrie, has been a constant source of support throughout his career. Her understanding of the demands of his job and her willingness to make sacrifices have contributed to the success of their marriage.

In conclusion, the connection between "Occupation: Journalist and broadcaster" and "is clive myrie married" highlights the interplay between Clive Myrie's professional life and his personal life. It underscores the challenges and opportunities that arise from balancing a demanding career with marriage and family. It also speaks to the importance of shared interests, values, and support in maintaining a strong and lasting relationship.


The connection between "Nationality: British" and "is clive myrie married" offers insights into the social and cultural context of Clive Myrie's marriage. Here are four key facets that explore this connection:

  • Facet 1: Cultural Identity and Shared Values

    Nationality often shapes an individual's cultural identity and values. Clive Myrie's British nationality may have influenced his approach to marriage and family life. British culture places a strong emphasis on tradition, stability, and the nuclear family, which may have influenced Clive Myrie's decision to marry and have children.

  • Facet 2: Legal and Social Recognition

    Marriage is a legally recognized institution in the United Kingdom, and Clive Myrie's British nationality grants him access to the rights and protections afforded to married couples under British law. This includes rights related to property, inheritance, and child custody, providing a secure legal framework for his marriage.

  • Facet 3: Social Norms and Expectations

    Social norms and expectations can vary across cultures, and nationality plays a role in shaping these norms. In British society, marriage is generally viewed as a desirable and respected institution, and Clive Myrie's decision to marry aligns with these social expectations.

  • Facet 4: National Identity and Shared Experiences

    Nationality can create a sense of shared identity and common experiences. Clive Myrie's British nationality may have provided him with a sense of belonging to a larger community, and his marriage may have strengthened this sense of connection and shared experiences.

In conclusion, the connection between "Nationality: British" and "is clive myrie married" highlights the influence of cultural identity, legal and social recognition, social norms, and national identity on Clive Myrie's decision to marry. It underscores the interplay between personal choices and the broader social and cultural context in which marriage is situated.


The connection between "Ethnicity: Jamaican" and "is clive myrie married" offers insights into the cultural and personal factors that shape marriage and family life. Clive Myrie's Jamaican ethnicity may have influenced his decision to marry and the way he approaches his marriage in several ways:

Cultural Values and Traditions: Jamaican culture places a strong emphasis on family and community. Marriage is seen as a sacred union that brings two families together. Clive Myrie's Jamaican heritage may have instilled in him a deep respect for marriage and a commitment to family values.

Shared Identity and Heritage: Marrying someone who shares the same cultural background can provide a sense of shared identity and belonging. Clive Myrie's Jamaican ethnicity may have drawn him to a partner who understands and appreciates his cultural heritage. This shared identity can strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

Influence on Family Structure: Jamaican families are often extended families, with strong ties to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Clive Myrie's Jamaican ethnicity may have influenced the structure of his own family, with a focus on extended family relationships and a strong sense of community.

Resilience and Adaptability: Jamaicans have a reputation for being resilient and adaptable, qualities that can be beneficial in marriage. Clive Myrie's Jamaican heritage may have equipped him with the resilience and adaptability needed to navigate the challenges and transitions that come with marriage.

In conclusion, the connection between "Ethnicity: Jamaican" and "is clive myrie married" highlights the influence of cultural values, shared identity, family structure, and personal qualities on marriage and family life. Clive Myrie's Jamaican ethnicity has likely shaped his approach to marriage and contributed to the strength and success of his relationship.

Clive Myrie
Ethnicity: Jamaican
Cultural Values: Emphasis on family, community, and marriage
Shared Identity: Marrying someone who understands and appreciates his cultural heritage
Family Structure: Extended family structure with strong ties to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
Resilience and Adaptability: Jamaican heritage may have equipped him with resilience and adaptability needed in marriage


The connection between "Religion: Christian" and "is clive myrie married" offers insights into the influence of religious beliefs and values on marriage and family life. Clive Myrie's Christian faith may have shaped his decision to marry, the way he approaches his marriage, and his overall views on family and relationships.

  • Facet 1: Shared Values and Beliefs

    Christianity emphasizes the importance of love, commitment, and forgiveness, values that are essential for a successful marriage. Clive Myrie's Christian faith may have provided him with a strong foundation for his marriage, guiding his actions and decisions within the relationship.

  • Facet 2: Religious Ceremonies and Traditions

    Many Christian couples choose to have a religious wedding ceremony, which can provide a sacred and meaningful context for their marriage. Clive Myrie's Christian faith may have influenced his decision to have a church wedding, incorporating religious traditions and rituals into his marriage celebration.

  • Facet 3: Community and Support

    Christian churches often provide a sense of community and support for their members. Clive Myrie's involvement in a Christian community may have provided him with a network of like-minded individuals who share his values and beliefs, offering support and encouragement in his marriage.

  • Facet 4: Ethical and Moral Guidance

    Christianity provides ethical and moral guidance on marriage and family life. Clive Myrie's Christian faith may influence his views on issues such as fidelity, divorce, and the roles of husbands and wives, shaping his approach to these aspects of his marriage.

In conclusion, the connection between "Religion: Christian" and "is clive myrie married" highlights the influence of religious beliefs and values on marriage and family life. Clive Myrie's Christian faith may have played a role in his decision to marry, the way he approaches his marriage, and his overall views on family and relationships.

Political Affiliation

The connection between "Political Affiliation: Labour Party" and "is clive myrie married" offers insights into the potential influence of political views and beliefs on personal life choices, including marriage. Clive Myrie's affiliation with the Labour Party may have shaped his perspectives on various societal issues, including marriage and family life.

  • Facet 1: Shared Values and Beliefs

    Political parties often represent a set of shared values and beliefs among their members. The Labour Party is known for its commitment to social justice, equality, and support for working families. Clive Myrie's affiliation with the Labour Party may indicate that he holds similar values, which could influence his views on marriage as an institution that provides stability, support, and mutual care.

  • Facet 2: Policy Positions on Marriage and Family

    Political parties may have specific policy positions on issues related to marriage and family. The Labour Party has traditionally supported policies that strengthen families, such as affordable housing, accessible childcare, and paid parental leave. Clive Myrie's affiliation with the Labour Party may suggest that he supports these policies, which could impact his views on the importance of marriage and family life.

  • Facet 3: Social and Cultural Context

    Political affiliation can also reflect an individual's social and cultural context. The Labour Party has a strong base of support among working-class communities in the United Kingdom. Clive Myrie's affiliation with the Labour Party may indicate that he identifies with these communities and their values, which could shape his views on marriage and family life in terms of commitment, resilience, and community support.

  • Facet 4: Personal Choices and Influences

    Ultimately, political affiliation is one factor that may influence an individual's views and choices regarding marriage. While Clive Myrie's Labour Party affiliation provides some insights into his potential perspectives on marriage and family life, it is important to recognize that personal experiences, beliefs, and other factors also play a significant role in shaping his decisions and actions.

In conclusion, the connection between "Political Affiliation: Labour Party" and "is clive myrie married" suggests that political views and beliefs can influence personal life choices, including marriage. Clive Myrie's affiliation with the Labour Party may provide some insights into his values, policy preferences, and social context, which could shape his perspectives on marriage and family life. However, it is important to consider that personal choices and experiences also play a significant role in shaping an individual's views and actions.


The connection between "Hobbies: Reading, writing, and spending time with family" and "is clive myrie married" offers a glimpse into Clive Myrie's personal life and priorities. His hobbies reveal aspects of his character, interests, and values, which can provide insights into the dynamics of his marriage.

Reading and writing are solitary activities that require focus and concentration. Clive Myrie's enjoyment of these hobbies suggests that he values intellectual pursuits and personal growth. Spending time with family, on the other hand, is a social activity that involves connecting with loved ones. This balance between solitary and social hobbies indicates a well-rounded personality and a desire for both personal fulfillment and meaningful relationships.

In the context of marriage, hobbies can play a vital role. Shared hobbies can provide opportunities for couples to bond and create lasting memories. They can also serve as stress relievers and a way to decompress after a busy day. In Clive Myrie's case, his hobbies of reading and writing may provide him with a sense of escape and relaxation, while spending time with family allows him to recharge and connect with his loved ones.

Furthermore, hobbies can contribute to a person's overall well-being and happiness. Studies have shown that engaging in enjoyable activities can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. A happy and fulfilled individual is more likely to be a supportive and engaged partner in a marriage.

Hobby Potential Impact on Marriage
Reading Intellectual stimulation, stress relief, bonding opportunities with family through shared reading experiences
Writing Creative expression, self-reflection, potential for shared writing projects with family members
Spending time with family Emotional connection, shared experiences, support and encouragement within the family unit

In conclusion, the connection between "Hobbies: Reading, writing, and spending time with family" and "is clive myrie married" highlights the importance of personal interests and values in the context of marriage. Clive Myrie's hobbies provide insights into his character and priorities, suggesting a balance between intellectual pursuits and meaningful relationships. Hobbies can contribute to a person's overall well-being, which can have a positive impact on the health and happiness of a marriage.

FAQs about "is clive myrie married"

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding the topic of "is clive myrie married".

Question 1: Is Clive Myrie married?

Answer: Yes, Clive Myrie is married to Catherine Myrie.

Question 2: When did Clive Myrie get married?

Answer: Clive Myrie married Catherine Myrie in 1998.

Question 3: Who is Clive Myrie's wife?

Answer: Clive Myrie's wife is Catherine Myrie.

Question 4: Do Clive Myrie and his wife have children?

Answer: Yes, Clive Myrie and his wife have two sons.

Question 5: What is Clive Myrie's wife's occupation?

Answer: The occupation of Clive Myrie's wife, Catherine Myrie, is not publicly known.

Question 6: How long have Clive Myrie and his wife been married?

Answer: Clive Myrie and his wife have been married for over two decades.

In summary, Clive Myrie is married to Catherine Myrie, and they have been married for over two decades. They have two sons together.

For further details about Clive Myrie's marriage and personal life, please refer to the comprehensive guide provided in the previous section.

Tips on Exploring "is clive myrie married"

Understanding the marital status of public figures can provide insights into their personal lives and values. When exploring the topic of "is clive myrie married", consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Utilize Reputable Sources

Rely on credible news outlets, official websites, and biographies to gather accurate information about Clive Myrie's marital status. Avoid relying solely on social media or unverified sources.

Tip 2: Consider the Context

When examining information about Clive Myrie's marriage, pay attention to the context in which it is presented. This includes the date of publication, the author's perspective, and any potential biases.

Tip 3: Explore Multiple Perspectives

Seek out diverse viewpoints on Clive Myrie's marital status. This can help you form a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and avoid relying on a single narrative.

Tip 4: Respect Privacy

While it is reasonable to inquire about Clive Myrie's marital status, it is important to respect his privacy and that of his family. Avoid excessive speculation or intrusive behavior.

Tip 5: Focus on the Impact

Consider the broader implications of Clive Myrie's marital status. How does it shape his public persona? What does it reveal about his values and priorities?


Approaching the topic of "is clive myrie married" with a thoughtful and informed approach can lead to a deeper understanding of Clive Myrie's personal life and its significance. By utilizing credible sources, considering the context, exploring multiple perspectives, respecting privacy, and focusing on the impact, individuals can engage with this topic in a responsible and insightful manner.


The exploration of "is clive myrie married" reveals the significance of marriage and family in Clive Myrie's personal life. His marital status, together with the insights gained from his spouse, children, and personal attributes, provide a comprehensive understanding of his values, priorities, and the dynamics of his marriage.

Beyond the personal realm, Clive Myrie's marriage serves as a reminder of the diverse experiences and perspectives that shape human relationships. It underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the choices individuals make in their personal lives.

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